Interview: Ali Tate Cutler

We spoke to #Faithfullgirl, model & environmental activist, Ali Tate Cutler about who she is, the inspiration behind her podcast channel, 'The Love You Give' and what her day to day looks like.


“Ali, please introduce yourself.”

"My name is Ali Tate Cutler. I’ve been a model for 9 years, a soccer player before that. I’m from Silicon Valley, California, currently living in NYC. I have a podcast called The Love You Give which is a self-help/wellness based podcast. I am a certified yoga instructor and I am currently writing my first book. I am currently a health coach in training. I love animals, plants, and nature. I am a Cancer with a Cancer rising- I feel all the feelings."


“Tell us about the work you do and what your day to day looks like.”

"I work as a model for my main job. I have been modeling for a while, so I guess it’s pretty normal for me now. But I am aware it’s a crazy job title to have. When I’m not going to castings or shooting, I am recording a podcast or writing my book. I study my health courses three days a week. 2020 has been crazy for all of us, so our day-to-days have shifted astronomically. This last year, I’m making do with the smaller things: the wind blowing in the trees, my husband making me laugh, a call with my community. I enjoy fantasy books so if I’m in a mood, I’ll curl up with one and light a candle. I think that I’ve been doing everything I can to get through this year- we all have been. My day-to-day is disjointed right now, and that’s okay."


“You have a podcast channel, ‘The Love You Give – with Ali Tate Cutler’. What inspired you to create on this medium?”

"I decided to start my podcast when I was on a sacred plants retreat in upstate New York and our teacher asked us to meditate with a plant. I meditated with a flower. Suddenly, the idea of a podcast popped into my head. I have always been interested in wellness and spirituality and my family has raised me to be pretty open that way- so I thought the podcast was the perfect way to talk about these things and hopefully help others with their mental health as wellness has helped me. I love podcasts and they truly have changed my life, so I hope mine can change someone else’s. I have almost 60 episodes and every guest has been so beautiful. It’s truly a high point in my life to have created this podcast."

Words by :

Ali Tate Cutler

Photographer :

Jessica Greaves